The Quileutes

The Quileutes are truly an amazing people.  A Native American tribe which has been in Washington for many, many years, they have overcome plenty of obstacles before us.  At least, that is how they see us.  As an obstacle, but not a major one.

Carlisle came back from his first day of working in the small doctor's office in town upset and disgruntled, which is very rare for Carlisle.  He had been confronted by an important member of the Quileute tribe- Levi Ulley- and asked to meet with some of its other members.  This made him very nervous, as we had just gotten here, and already we were attracting the wrong kinds of attention.  He had been here before and had no trouble, he explained, so he didn't see any reason to meet with anyone.  Levi didn't take no for an answer, however, and a meeting was set up.

I was able to follow Levi around town and through the La Push Indian Reservation for a while over the next few days and read his thoughts.  What I learned was both disturbing and calming at the same time.  First and foremost, the Quileutes (or at least their important members, such as their Chief and council) are very aware of who and what we are.  There were very old legends from ancestors of theirs, explaining in detail what we do and how to handle our weaknesses and take us down.  They didn't know everything about us, but they knew enough to cause some damage.

Second, they have a weapon to use against us.  They are able to shape shift.  Not exactly what you would consider to be a werewolf, but they definitely take the shape of a wolf.  They have been doing this shapeshifting for generations, when they feel their tribe is in danger, and it is a great weapon they can use against us.  They have great strength, regeneration, and the ability to read each other's minds, similar to myself.  I am not sure how all of that works, but it seems as though Levi is annoyed by some of his abilities, and pleased with others.  He cannot read anyone's mind who is not on the council, which is of interest to me.  I would love to learn more about this, but Carlisle thinks we have more important things to focus on than their mind reading abilities.

At any rate, the council feels threatened by our numbers and do not wish to cause a war with us.  Even four vampires can outrun and outfight whatever number of wolves they seem to have.  I am not sure how many they have, as I have not been able to follow them long enough to pinpoint a number or seen them shift.  I know that Carlisle has to meet with their leader, Ephriam Black, and their other members tomorrow and we are all very nervous about it- despite the tribe's own worries.

The Quileutes are very strong as a tribe, and in the past, before the Quinault Treaty in 1855, they often took prisoners of any white settlers who happened accross their land.  They are skilled warriors, smart, and brave.  They are excellent whale hunters, and craftsmen as well, which lends an upper hand when it comes to weaponry and boats.  Of course, most of these things do nothing in a fight against us, but they might not know that.  We might have to use any strengths we have and rely on any humanity we can play up.  Although it seems to me that with these men, our cover is already blown.

We shall find out tomorrow.  Our plan is to go to La Push and speak to the council, with Carlisle as our leader, of course.  We will offer them peace, and tell them we want nothing but to live here in Hoquiam for a few years, keeping mostly to ourselves, and bothering no-one.  We obviously mean no harm, and we will make that apparent when Carlisle speaks to Ephriam Black.  We are all hoping it goes well- at least better than the conversation with Levi Ulley did.  Otherwise, a battle might ensue, and depending on the number of wolves in their tribe- or pack as they call it- we might not win.
