
Alice and Jasper fit in really well here with us.  They have become true members of our family now.  Our ever growing family.  Jasper finally told us his secret.  If you can call it a secret.  By the time he told us, I had already figured it out.  He is able to influence the moods of others.  He can calm people down, ease their anxiety or anger.  I see it in his mind, when he tries to focus on getting them to settle down, getting them to take it easy and think calm thoughts.  It works wonders on humans, and it works pretty well on vampires too.

He doesn't use it much, though.  Actually, that isn't quite true.  He uses it whenever it suits him to do so, he just doesn't use it for anything particularly important.  He usually uses it while hunting, so the animals don't feel any fear when he's about to attack, which I think is kind of him.  He also uses it when we are out in town, when someone casts him (or any of us really) an awkward glance.  It is a useful power in small ways.

Alice's power, on the other hand, are very useful in much larger ways.  They seem to have been the lifeline of their goals many times, and as it turns out, Alice's visions came in to be even handier than my mind reading lately.  She has gotten several visions of local townspeople up in Forks having some odd reactions to us while we were out and about in town.  Some things have been changing, I suppose.  Our family is growing with no real explanation.  We all look a little odd, and there have been whispers.  I have heard some of the thoughts around town.

One of Alice's visions came in to be particularly important.  It was of a local teenage girl who had been missing for a while.  She had gotten lost while hiking and ended up dead in the woods where we hunt.  Apparently a search party will be formed, and the search party is going to happen across some of the dead animals that we have hunted, as well as the dead girl.  Talk will start up.  The dead animals will not be far from the Cullen house, as sometimes we get lazy and do not venture far from home.  Sometimes we do, so the animals will go far and wide all over the woods.  This will not be good for us.  We never stopped to think that the rotting bodies of deer, bear, and mountain lions would pose a problem for us.  Not many girls go missing in the woods.

The girl is a rather popular one at the small school up in Forks.  She was pretty and well liked, so we know who she is.  I am sure that everyone in town knows who she is, for that matter.  I did a quick sweep of the town, and confirmed that she is still in her bed, safe.  Alice doesn't believe that she will go missing for at least another week or two, judging by the amount of leaves on the trees.  In her vision there were almost no leaves left, and in real life, there are still plenty.

Our plan is to leave Hoquiam before heads are turned in our direction.  We will tell people that Esme is homesick for her family, and head in a northern direction.  Carlisle has some friends up in Alaska that he says will show us their home for a while, and then we can move on from there.  That way when the girl goes missing, we will not be there when the search party is launched, nor when the animals are discovered.  Hopefully it will diminish the talk.  Alice has faith that it will work.  I am hopeful as well, as I have a lot of experience with the human frame of mind.  People tend to blame things on outsiders.  They will say vagrants came through, hunters, something like that.  Even blame it on other animals.  I doubt they will look at Carlisle and his family as suspects in the animal killings.  In the future we will be more careful, learn to hunt more cleanly.

For now, I must go.  Lots of packing to do, and things to clean.  We are keeping the Cullen house.  Perhaps we can come back here in the future.  It is beautiful after all, and we truly feel at home here.  It just wont be anytime soon.  Maybe we will give it 50 years or so.  But for today, Hoquiam is not our home any longer.  I suppose all good things come to an end.
