Fresh Start

Apparently, 1936's Hoquiam is not much different than the last time Carlisle passed through.  We are trying to settle down here, and make it our new home.  It is a nice area, quiet and serene.  There is not much here, there is a small town nearby which we can utilize for shopping and such, clothing and simple things.  We will mostly keep to ourselves here.  If anyone asks, Esme can tell them she teaches us our schooling herself, as that is not uncommon.  None of us are very eager to go back to school, and we will take any reprieve we can get from it, as we will probably have to go back to school again at some point in the future. 

Hoquiam and the areas surrounding it seems to be a very wooded area, and the hunting is plentiful and the people nearby are friendly.  It rains often here, and even when it doesn't rain, there are often clouds covering the sun.  It is perfect weather for us to spend our time here.  Perfect "vampire weather."  The few sunny days we are expecting can be used for hunting or to catch up on indoor hobbies and such, but for the most part we do not have to feel confined at all in this town.  I think I will like it here.    

No one seems bothered by us, except perhaps for the native tribe that has been here for many decades already.  They seemed very curious about our arrival almost immediately.  Carlisle already has plans to talk with their Chief if their thoughts do not settle down soon, which could be good or bad, depending on the Chief and his reactions to Carlisle.  Carlisle is very welcoming and very open.  He usually makes people feel at ease and reassures them quickly.  This is one reason he is a good doctor, despite his being a vampire.  Or perhaps it is simply a skill he acquired from being a doctor all of these years.  Either way, it comes in handy when we move to a new area.

We are already making the plans for our new house here.  There is a very old, run down house in the woods that Carlisle and Esme found while hunting our second day here.  Esme is dying to get her hands on it and restore the old thing.  I am sure that with her talent that it will be incredible.  She has a love and talent for architecture and remodeling.  Moving tends to be exciting for her for exactly that reason.  

Right now, Carlisle is staying in a rented apartment with Esme in town.  He is bringing his "late brother's children" with him as soon as his house is finished.  We will camp in the woods until then.  It will only be a couple of weeks.  It is fun to torture Rosalie with the lack of commodities and finer things she has grown accustomed to.  Emmett and I are being the typical boys and having fun with the idea of roughing it.  Carlisle is already working at the small, local doctor's office, and Esme is pouring her heart into the new house.

We all cannot wait until the house is finished. Emmett and Rosalie will have a room very separate from the rest of ours, and very far away from mine for sure.  I made that request clear to Esme right away.  Rosalie gets on my nerves as it is, the last thing I want to deal with is her and Emmett's late night activities.  Vampires are very good at finding things to do during the night hours- when they don't need to sleep.  

Unless they are lonely vampires without mates, like myself.  Which is fine, I do not need a mate, I need a soundproof room.  I have already brought some very heavy draperies to hang along the walls to help block out the sounds of the rest of the house.  Esme is also talking about a lot of big, bright windows, and bright white walls.  It sounds like it will be beautiful, and hopefully a place we can stay for a while.  I am getting bored of going from place to place, and it is not very populated here, so perhaps that will work in our favor.  Less minds to get worked up or question things.

Well, Carlisle is back from his first day at the doctor's office in town.  I can tell from his thoughts already that he is not happy, but he is trying not to give too much away with his thinking.  That is a bad sign.  I better go figure out what is going on.  Be back later to write more.
