Aro Part 2

The Volturi- or at least its three leaders- were here in Hoquiam, visiting the Cullen family for the first time since I had been created. Aro, Marcus and Caius were here for a very specific purpose. As vampires, our memories are very acute, so I can recall the conversation with precise detail. Even though it is already over, it still gives me the chills.

Aro was the first to speak, even though I saw the thoughts in his mind before he even opened his mouth.
"Hello, Edward. I am glad you were able to join us. Rosalie, Emmett. It is nice to meet you all. I have met Esme and chatted her a while during the time Rosalie went to find you both." He motioned our direction.

Carlisle motioned for us all to come further into the foyer. We were standing near the front door, assuming defensive positions. To be honest, we were all scared. Emmett and Rosalie were probably more scared than I were, as they had no idea what to expect, and I couldn't exactly tell them what was going on without giving anything away.

We stepped forward together, as though we were a team. I guess by now we are a team. A family. More than ever we are a family now. Carlisle waved us through the foyer and continued into the dining room, where we all took seats at the large, heavy wood table. It was probably a good idea, considering it put space between us all. I needed as much space between Aro and I as possible.

I took a seat opposite him and we all sat down slowly.
"I am sure by now, Edward, that you know why we have come here." Aro smiled at me.
"Unfortunately, I do, Aro." I told him.

I returned his smile with an unfriendly glare. The other Cullens were equally unfriendly with the exception on Carlisle, who is always open-minded, and Esme, who always seeks peace and the good in everyone.

"Aro has come here for something important, perhaps you should listen to his offer, young one." Marcus spoke firmly from the other end of the table. I jumped out of my seat so quickly that the chair I was sitting in slammed into the ground beneath me and broke into several pieces. Emmett swiftly swept to my side in a show of absolute support, even though he had no idea what was going on. Emmett, my friend, my brother, always by my side. I would have to remember to thank him later.

"I have no reason to listen to his offer, as I have already heard it." I responded.
"Perhaps if I could speak to you in private, take a walk, a few moments alone..." Aro offered. I saw his plan the moment it formed. He wanted to touch me, see my thoughts, see why I was so resistant. I wasn't a fool, however, and I wasn't so easily swayed.
"I'd rather not, Aro, if you do not mind. I do not need a few moments, or a few days or years. I know your offer and I enjoy my time here with my family."
"I heard you were rather unhappy living life as a vampire. We were looking to help you relieve some of that unhappiness. Offer you an alternative lifestyle. We have ways for you to use your gift like you have never imagined." Caius stood up from the table and took over the conversation. This seemed to irritate Aro, as he felt he had the situation under control. Perhaps, in reality, no one did.

"I have no wishes to join your coven in Volterra. I am happy here with my family. I do not feed on humans, I try not to use my powers, and usually when I do it serves me poorly. They are a burden on me. They have done me well in only a few instances. There are worse things in life, Aro, and I mean no disrespect, but I am not joining you today or any other day."

I stood in a defensive crouch and allowed him to stare at me for a moment. Rosalie stood up from her chair and stood next to me, and after a brief second Esme and Carlisle did the same. The four of us stood together as a family, while the three of them remained seated at the table, thoughts of doubt flickering through their minds.

"Perhaps you will not always feel that way, young boy. You have much left to see in life. To experience. Your powers will come to be useful, you should harness them. We can help with that. We will leave now, but remember that the offer is on the table. We wish you to join us in Volterra, and we will not forget about you and your extraordinary gift, Edward. Good day to you all. You have a lovely home, Esme. Thank you for welcoming us into it."

They left quickly after that, with a few scattered words of warmth, as Aro is good for pretending to be a friend when necessary, and we were left to ourselves again. All of us were notably shaken. I was the most upset. It was hard to wrap my mind around the fact that the Volturi had actually come across the world to try and persuade me to join their coven. Carlisle explained that while Rosalie had gone to find us, Aro told him that one of the vampires I had visited had gone to Volterra and while traveling there Aro had seen my amazing gift in his thoughts. The only thing more powerful to Aro than his own gift is the possibility of finding other vampires with gifts. The idea of having an army of gifted vampires leaves no room for anyone to fight them, no matter how great the odds. My mind reading ability is truly remarkable.

I am just glad the issue is behind us. Carlisle is expecting for Aro to bring it up again sometime in the future. Aro doesn't give up, he pushes, persuades. I am not too worried, I cannot be persuaded. Any doubts I had about the members of the Cullen family before were quenched when they stood by my side against the Volturi and stuck up for me. Facing their own destruction to keep me beside them is something I never expected from half of them. I suppose I should get some rest. It has been an emotional day.
