Saving Heather

We've been in Denali for a few days now.  Carlisle has gotten all of the venom out of the girl's system, or at least he thinks he has, but she has yet to wake up.  She moans in her sleep, and she cries out in pain from time to time, but her eyes refuse to open.  Her heart rate is steady, never slowing.  Carlisle monitors it constantly.  He has brought in the best machines and equipment he could get his hands on considering the time crunch we are under. The girl is in excellent care, and seems to be in excellent health aside from the fact that her ankle is broken and she is asleep.

Carlisle doesn't think she is in a coma, because she is so active in her sleep. It is hard to tell, because he can't give her a CAT scan or MRI.   We obviously can't rush her to the hospital and have limited access to what we need.  He is very worried about her.  To make matters worse, her face has been all over the local news.  As it turns out, the girl is not a girl after all, she is a young woman.  Named Heather Forster, age twenty two.  The bad news just kept getting worse because she also had two small children and a husband, plus because she was so young, her parents and her in-laws were all over every news station along with her husband, pleading for her safe return, orchestrating search parties, and giving interviews.  Of course her husband was suspect number one, which made us feel horrible.

Irina was taking this all pretty badly.  Guilt ridden, she kept herself locked in her room most days and nights since the incident. She even refused to go hunting, so Kate has been giving her pints of animal blood that she collected from a local animal shelter whenever she can get through Irina's door.

It seems very old fashioned, like something straight out of Bram Stoker's Dracula- pints of blood being carried through the house, a girl hooked up to I.V.'s and morphine in a soundproofed bedroom whose face is all over the news, its very disturbing and much too real.  We are all worried that the Volturi will discover the mess at any moment and come bursting through the door.  This would end up in the Denali clan's destruction- at least for Irina for sure- and most likely for anyone else who tried to help her, including us and the girl.

We were in very deep trouble and our situation was getting worse the longer it took for the girl to wake up.  Carlisle's medical expertise was great, but it didn't cover a great deal of patients who slipped into unwakeable unconciousness.  He dealt with E.R. patients, trauma, and your classic doctor's office stuff- check ups, exams, etc.  This was beyond the norm.  I suppose anything dealing with vampire venom and humans was beyond the norm.

Carlisle and I take turns watching the girl.  Aside from Carlisle, I have the most medical knowledge.  I have taken several college courses in that area now, not that I am anywhere close to a degree, but I have a fair interest in the field.  I also watch Carlisle quite a bit, help him whenever necessary and have gotten quite a decent look inside his head.  Of any of us, I am the most qualified to take over for him, and he gets tired.  Not physically, but mentally.

When not in the small medical-style bedroom, things are about as relaxed as can be.  We try and hunt as often as we can.  We play around, get goofy, and keep things light whenever we can.  I am probably the most sullen of them all, but then again, I am the only one who doesn't have another person to lean on.  Tanya is more than happy to remind me of her availability- both physically and emotionally- for me, but I am as uninterested now as I was before.

I suppose that is all for now.  I will be back with an update.  I am hoping things change soon, because things are tense around here.  I am tense.  Anyways, I will be back soon.
