Going Home

Julia left early this morning before the sun came up. We all watched her go with saddened eyes, but I think at least half of us were more worried about what she was going to do when she got back to Michigan.

As of right now, Julia's most prominent plans for her future involve reinserting herself into Patty's- her caretaker and adopted mother of sorts- life. She will do this under the guise that she is still human and ran away to sort out her life only to do some growing up and discover home is where the heart is and all that.

If any vampire could pull off posing as a human under close watch it would be Julia. But can she pull it off to the one person who knew her best? And if Patty discovers her secret then what? It is entirely too risky. Julia is thinking with her heart and not her head.

At any rate, she went home. Alice has been locked in her room ever since, trying to forsee any problems. So far she sees very different things every time she looks.  She sees a happy Julia spending days relaxing in her house with Patty, she sees a determined Julia up late at night doing chores while Patty rests, with ever fading health, and she sees the Volturi.  This last vision is the most disturbing and at the same time it is the most vague.  She is not sure what she sees about the Volturi- whether she is seeing them because of Julia or because of us.  She just sees hooded members of the Voltui clan headed in a very obvious direction, as though they were told somewhere to go and are set in motion.  They are going somewhere, but Alice cannot see where.  She can see, however, that they are still in Italy, so she is not too incredibly worried about the vision.  She just stays locked in her room, keeping herself focused on the future.  Always looking to make sure nothing changes for the worse.

The rest of us are trying to relax and put things back to normal.  We are eager to get back to the way things used to be before Julia came knocking on our door.  It really seems difficult.  Having Julia around was nice, she wasn't quite family but she had quickly become a good friend.  We are doing our best to keep busy to fill the gap she left in the house.  Jasper is leaving Alice alone while she does her mind-bending future-telling stuff, so he is listening to Carlisle's theories on why he feels some vampires have abilities and others don't.  Rosalie is out in the garage tinkering with one of my cars- trying to annoy me as best as she can while I pretend I don't know what she is doing.  I'll make her put it back together later or else I will threaten to tell Emmett what she's planning on making him wear to their next wedding. 

Meanwhile, Emmett has challenged me to a game of chess.  It should be interesting considering he thinks I cheat and read his mind- which I don't- and then we end up wrestling on the floor.  Esme is overseeing the chess game, worried about our impending wrestling match.  Mostly she doesn't want us to dent the hardwood.  I should be more worried about it than she is, but I see her point.  These are nice floors. I suppose, I should put this down and go before Emmett gets too impatient.  Be back later!
