Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving break wasn't what we expected it to be,  but we learned a few things from it.  Rosalie and Emmett extended their stay a few days and we holed up in the Mason house for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

Odd as it may sound, it was truly nice to have everyone together, and even Rosalie and I got along perfectly for once.  If there was anything close to family and love for vampires, this was it.  Rosalie and Emmett.  Alice and Jasper.  Carlisle and Esme.  It made me wistful for a love of my own, but at the same time it made me simply grateful that I was a part of it all.  I had people who loved me.  I was grateful that I was not that girl, Julia, alone in the world- searching for her place.  She had no family and no-one to love.  The thought made me sad.

Emmett and I went out hunting for turkeys like he had planned to do.  It was very interesting.  Actually, it was down right goofy.  I didn't think there were wild turkeys running around the Illinois area, but he insisted there were.  Sure enough, he took me to a wooded area not far from where we were, and there was a gathering of birds around.  I'd never really seen a live turkey before, but they were interesting looking.  Ranging between twenty to thirty pounds each, and around four feet tall, they looked like they could certainly end up as quite the meal on someone's dining room table- and then some.

I am pretty sure he bought the birds from a local farm ahead of time and placed them there, but he refuses to admit it, and knowing I can read his mind, his thoughts just mock me with things like "ha ha, Edward, you think you're so smart, but you can't read MY mind!"  Its funny.  He knows I'll just ask Rosalie later and she'll totally blow his cover.  She is horrible at keeping mental secrets.  Another reason I avoid reading my families' minds- of course this is all fun and games and doesn't count.  It's like Emmett using his other arm in an arm wrestling match.

Anyway, there we were standing in a small patch of skinny woods, with very little leaves on the trees, and here's a bunch of unsuspecting turkeys pecking their way around some seed on the ground.  Out of  the blue, Emmett lets out a wild monkey-style yell and chases after one of the turkeys, then another, at human speed.  It was hilarious to watch.
"C'mon Ed!"  He called out to me.
It looked like so much fun it was only seconds before I joined in.  We went slowly of course, because what is the fun of catching them right away?  The thing about turkeys, however, is that they don't like to be chased.

Before we knew what was happening, the hunters became the hunted and the turkeys circled around to chase after us instead.  The other turkeys joined their comrades, all making turkey sounds and trying to make it clear they had messed with the wrong birds.  I have to admit, it was engaging.  Probably the most entertaining thing I had done in a while.  These were some aggressive birds!  Just when one tried to bite my backside, I used vampire speed to cut around to the other side of it.  This caught it by surprise, and it cocked its head at me inquisitively.  I grabbed it, quickly drained it of blood before it had any idea what was going on or any chance to fight back or feel pain, and laid it back down on the ground.

Emmett was on the other side of the field.  He had hunted two turkeys and looked satisfied.  By this time, the other turkeys were running away,  realizing that this was a fight they would not win.  Not that it mattered, if we wanted to, we would reach out and grab them.  We were finished anyway.  It certainly made for an interesting hunting experience.  My first and only Thanksgiving turkey.  Not something I planned on repeating, but definitely something to cross off my experience list.

Back home, Carlisle lit a fire in the fireplace again.  We didn't get cold, but it was nice to see.  The house had a grand fireplace in the main living room, and we had couches and chairs placed all around it, and it was very cozy to settle around the fire, talking and relaxing after a long day.  Vampire days tend to get very long.  Time can extend for what seems like forever.  I guess when you live for an eternity, it really is forever.

I took a seat around the fire, and listened to Emmett tell everyone about our Turkey hunting experience.  While we were sitting around the fire, Alice got a vision.  The details weren't very clear, but she could see a woman's hand reaching out and knocking on our front door.  She said that it was twilight when the hand knocked, and that the rest of us were inside the house, not doing anything in particular, except for perhaps Rosalie and Emmett who were packing to leave at the time.  The visitor was also wearing a purple cashmere sweater.

This was helpful- as it meant that our surprise visitor was coming in two days, the day Rosalie and Emmett go home.  We didn't know, however, who it was.  Alice didn't get a bad feeling from her vision, but wanted to know who it was, so she went upstairs to concentrate.  I went upstairs as well to see if I could think of anything or hear anything in the thoughts of people I know, although I am likely too far away for that too work.

I suppose I should put my journal down and get concentrating.  I'd like to know who our visitor is before she comes.  Be back later!
