
We weren't expecting things to happen as quickly as they did.  We had awaited Julia's knock on the door so long, the idea of her walking back through it really hadn't occured to us.  I think most of us were starting to see her as part of our family- and we were embracing her and all her oddness with the welcome mat that us Cullens so rarely put out.

Julia, on the other hand, had different plans.  The day after her big hunting trip, she left her room earlier than any of the rest of us and ventured out of the house on her own.  Of course, we are just her "vegetarian lifestyle advisors," here to teach her how to live peacefully and without harming those around her.  Or so Carlisle lectured us when a few of us started to go out the door after her.  Unlike Julia, however, Carlisle is our father- so we obeyed his direction to stay home and leave her be.

It was only a couple short hours before she returned.  Her belly swooning full of familiar-smelling blood, and a triumphant smile on her face, it was clear what she had just done.  I quickly scanned her thoughts as she breezed passed me and plopped down onto the sofa with an ease only a human would have.  Her mannerisms still surprise me- the way she maintains human likenesses without trying, while most of us still have to remind ourselves to appear human and display human tendencies like sitting, fidgeting, etc.  These things come naturally to her.

Anyway, Julia's thoughts were bouncing around with joy- she was extremely proud of herself, very exciting about taking the next step in her major plan- whatever that is- and by the time I was starting to put it all together with the obvious- she blurted it out herself:
"That was the best hunting trip ever!"
We stared at her, stunned.  I was the least surprised, perhaps because I could read her thoughts.
"You went hunting by yourself?"  Carlisle asked.
"Yes!  And it went fantastic!  I caught a deer immediately, and without nose plugs, perfume, or any of that nonesense!  It was wonderfully easy this time.  I'm ready!"  She was exasperated.
"Ready for what?"  Carlisle mused.  I already knew of course.
"To go home."  Everyone just stared at Julia, not saying a word.

No-one wanted Julia to leave, of course.  I think everyone had talked themselves into thinking that she would like it here so much that she would stay.  I knew better- seeing the thoughts in her mind.  I knew she missed her home, her town, and the woman, Patty, who cared for her.  She worried about her and longed to go back to watching over her and sneaking into the house at night to help her with her chores.  She was even still contemplating turning Patty into a vampire.  Her most recent thoughts, however, were about returning to Patty and pretending to be human.  This was almost as risky as turning Patty into a vampire.  But as Carlisle said- it was Julia's life, and not ours.  We are not a family, no matter how much we started to like her.  I think a few times it even crossed some of their minds that Julia could be my mate.  This made me laugh of course, because although Julia is beautiful- as all vampires tend to be- I am not attracted to her in that way.  She is not even attracted to me in that way, as far as I can tell.  Her mind is on one thing and one thing only- going home.

This thought sunk into the minds of the Cullens for a moment, while Julia looked from face to face.
"I can always come a visit, and you can come visit me!"  She smiled warmly, "We are the best of friends now."

This brought smiles all around.  Of course they all knew she was right.  She needed to leave.  But was she ready?  Carlisle asked to talk to her privately about leaving, and they stepped into his study, away from the bombarding eyes and emotions of the rest of the Cullens.  I knew they were talking about whether or not it was smart for Julia to rush her plans.  Of course, I also knew Julia probably wasn't going to budge.  At any rate, Carlisle would give it his best try, and he was a great talker.

I suppose I will fill you in on the details of Julia's goodbye tomorrow.  Or- if she decides to stay, although I don't see that very likely.  For now, I should go see if Alice can foresee any problems with Julia going home to Patty so soon. 
