
We've been spicing things up here in Chicago. It has definitely been interesting. School, boring as always, is perhaps the only catergory of my life that I haven't bothered. The last thing I need is another group of teenage girls following me around for a year.

I have gotten a new car. It is a 1979 Camaro, which although it isn't brand new, sparkles in the sun. I like it, it brings a sense of familiarity and it drives like a demon on wheels. Just what I needed to bring a new flavor to things. Jasper teases me because it's a few years old, but then again, who isn't around here?

Of course it is nothing compared to Carlisle's big purchase recently. Carlisle bought a brand new 1982 Catalina sailboat, solid white in color. It is completely gorgeous, and of course he named it "Barca Di Esme," Italian for Esme's Boat. Now he has a boat and an island named after his beloved. It can only make one smile.

We take the sailboat out often, sometimes for days, just enjoying the vastness of Lake Michigan. It is a lot smoother than the ocean, which is nice, and easy to navigate. We can easily traverse from landmass to landmass- Illinois to Wisconsin to Michigan and back. If we really want to take the time we could travel up to Ontario somewhere. My sailboating skills are a little rusty, but Carlisle sails like he never stepped off the boat. Jasper is catching on quickly, as though he is a natural, and Alice is getting there.

Carlisle prefers not to let Esme help sail the boat, so she looks like Marilyn Monroe lounging on the boat with a scarf over her hair and an old fashioned swim suit on, just relaxing in the wind. She loves it, and who could blame her? It is her chance to be queen for a day- or two or three- instead of tending to house and home and family of five. Even though we don't eat we still create laundry and dirty the bathrooms, etc. Esme refuses to give us chores more complex than taking out the trash and keeping our rooms clean. Typical mom.

The nice thing about the sailboat though is that it has a cassette player in it. This allows us to play music, but unfortunately there isn't a wide selection of music on cassette tapes yet. Although eighties music is bearable, seventies music was horrible, and I can't hardly stand listening to it. I have a few Elvis cassette tapes, some Coltraine, and a few other jazz and blues players, but as far as getting classical onto a cassette it is rare. There is a new musical style out that seems to be catching on, so we will see how that goes.

Other than that, not much else is new. Rosalie and Emmett are going to come home over during their college's Thanksgiving break. Emmett has gotten the idea that we should go hunting for wild turkeys this Thanksgiving. He thinks it will be hilarious to catch Turkeys. I think it might be fun for a gag. Only Emmett would come up with an idea like that. Rosalie is excited, she has a whole new wardrobe to show off to Alice, and vice versa, so it will be a fashion show for the two of them. They will only stay for a few days but it will be nice for everyone to be back together.

I suppose that is all that is going on. I guess I should go see if Esme needs a hand around the house, now that I've written all that, I feel a little guilty about all the stuff she really does do around the house. I bet she could use some extra help now and then. I will return later.
