
I found myself wanting to know more about this new vampire that we had stumbled upon, and so I sneaked into her room while she was out, thinking that I would wait for her when she returned. I knew that she would smell me as she got near, and I figured she would confront me. Either that or run. It was a gamble I was willing to take.

I didn't expect her to catch me off guard, however. It usually doesn't happen considering I can read minds, smell from such long distances, and hear from even farther than I can smell. So when she climbed silently through the open window, sneaked up on me with her newborn speed and grabbed me before I could turn around, I was speechless. This vampire was fast- even by newborn standards. She was so fast I couldn't even read her thoughts before she made a move.

Surprisingly though, she didn't attack me, she just stood before me, her hands up in an open "no war" gesture. Her mind was blank, not the kind of blank as though I couldn't read her mind at all, but blank as though she was trying not to think of something she didn't want me to know, like the ocean or the grass, something neutral. This told me she at the very least knew about vampires being able to read minds- not surprising considering her amazing speed. But did she know that I- in specific- could read her mind?

"I know who you are." She said, as if answering my question.
I didn't have time for the next question to form in my brain before she spoke again.
"I have many talents and skills- some of which you have yourself. But I am new and still learning to use them."
"Why were you afraid of us when we got here?" I asked her.
She looked at me, her eyes wide at my question, but then she smiled. The more I was around her, the more she relaxed her mind to me and I was able to see through the blanket of fake thoughts she kept throwing out to me.
"My makers felt I had outgrown them. I was becoming a threat to them that they didn't like. My morals got in their way." She said ruefully.
"Who were your makers?" I asked her, smiling my most charming smile.

I walked around to the other side of the small hotel room, opened the door of the small hospitality fridge and looked inside. She had several little rodents in small cages in there, alive but obviously very cold. Snacks? Her eyes were red not amber like ours. I took one out and fed on it, an ungracious display of making myself at home in her room. Leaving it alive, however, I put it gently in its cage and set it on the table, so it could warm up from the cold fridge. I wanted her to know I was comfortable around her, not worried. Whether or not it was working, I wasn't sure.
The mysterious vampire smiled at me, obviously taken aback by my behavior, but didn't answer my question.

"No one that you would want to get involved with." She said after a long moment.
"May I ask your name?" I asked her. She shook her head no.
"Now if you don't mind, I've been here in peace for some time, and I would like to remain in peace. If you did not come to harm me, I would like you to leave." Her words were spoken nervously, but she tried to sound as though she could put up a fight if necessary. I wasn't fooled.
"We mean you no harm. We are simply passing through. We will be gone in the morning." I told her.
She nodded to me and showed me the way out of her room.

Little did I know, she had other plans for our future.
