The Plan

When Alice had the vision I almost didn't believe it. It was so brazen of this new mystery vampire I thought Alice had to be wrong. But Alice is never wrong. So we took what she saw in her vision and used it to the best of our advantage.

For the time being we were calling this new vampire "Jane," as in Jane Doe. It was easier than just not calling her anything. After my talk with Jane, things were peaceful for the rest of the night, but about midnight, Alice burst into my room with her face full of fear.

"I sent Jasper to get Carlisle and Esme." she thought to me as she came through my door so quickly only my vampire eyes would have known she was there. She held open the door and sure enough, before a second had passed, the other three had slipped inside my room, filling it up with their familiar and comforting scents.

"Alice what's wrong?" I said back to her, aloud.
She answered me in a quiet whisper, just loud enough for the vampire ears in this room to hear and no-one else: "Jane is planning to attack and kill us all tonight- and her plan is pretty fail-proof, except for the fact that I saw it ahead of time."

We all took a moment to look at each other in astonishment. Last I saw her, Jane was comforted by the fact that we were leaving and there was peace between us. Whoever taught her to think of oceans and bricks and blocking ideas when I was around was smart. She had gotten past my defenses and tricked me.

"What is her plan?" Carlisle asked, his face serious and steady. To Carlisle, a vampire battle was something he would avoid at all costs, but at the same time something he was always ready for.

"Well, her basic plan is to get us all one by one, using her immense speed to catch us by surprise and her newborn strength to rip us apart. She's going to start with Edward." Alice grimmaced.

Carlisle sighed and sat down on my bed. "Well, now that we know, we can go to her together, and take care of her as a group." His words were sad, as though she were a friend and we were terminating an old friendship.

"I don't think its that easy." I started.
"She is incredibly fast and exceptionally strong." Alice finished, "And her plan keeps changing. She seems to know that we're ready for her."
"Well, what is one vampire against four?" Esme interjected.
Just then an image of a large city park popped into my head.
"I think we are about to find out." I answered.
As if on cue, there were three heavy knocks on the door.

