Flying High

Its a good thing I'm missing a pulse- because my heart would have jumped out of my chest today had it been beating. I went sky-diving today. It wasn't something I planned on doing, but the advertisement was there, staring me in the face, and I couldn't resist. It was so not like me, that I just had to do it.

I ended up in a place called Mossel Bay. Definitely one of South Africa's beauty spots. I have to admit, right from the start, that I am a horrible tracker. Looking for Olek has been an utter failure, but I am starting to think that the trip is more for a personal adventure and less about finding Olek.

Honestly, it has a little something to do with Emmett's last words to me, when I stopped through to tell Rosalie and him that I was leaving for a while to go sightseeing in South Africa with Olek. Emmett straight out laughed at me. He told me there was no way I would last more than a week in Africa, and that I would be completely overwhelmed with all of the new ideas and different way of life. His exact words were that I would 'turn tail and come home.' Well- turn tail I will not. I am on a hell-bent mission to prove Emmett wrong. I am going to go home with stories of all the incredible things I did, and when I find Olek I am sure he will have plenty to tell and teach me, and there will be much we can do together. But I don't want to miss anything along the way. Forget Emmett and his bets of me 'turning tail'.

Anyway, sky diving was exhilarating. I jumped from about 10,000 feet high, and it was incredible. I thought running at great speeds, and jumping up high off trees or buildings and such was a rush- its nothing like jumping from a plane. It was absolutely beautiful to be as high as the clouds, floating down, with the wind whipping against my skin, the parachute guiding me downward. Wow.

I also went swimming with whales. There are no words for how amazing that was. They were so friendly- so completely unafraid of me at all- and so welcoming. They were beautiful to watch as they glided through the ocean water. They swam even more flawlessly than I did- and I was at peace watching them. I could have stayed down there forever.

My time in that town was so fun, so new and filled with great experiences. I hunted in an area cordoned off for a safari- probably against my better judgment, but I was starving with thirst after being stuck around tourists. It was a great day. Tomorrow I am headed out to another town. We will see where I land myself and what awaits me there. Perhaps I will rest, I could use an easy day. Or- maybe as luck would have it, I will actually find Olek. I guess we will find out tomorrow.
