
After the 'love-fest' and forgiving Jasper for his accident was over, I went upstairs to be alone with my thoughts. I figured I would do some homework, listen to some music and maybe read. All things that keep me calm. It was working until I heard Esme watching the news. I went downstairs to see what had her so upset.

Everyone was gathered around the TV. Alice was holding Jasper tightly and there it was on the news. A story about the missing hiker. There was a major search party for him. He just so happened to be the mayor's son. The mayor announced that he was offering a very large reward for his son's find and return. In that moment we all knew what needed to be done.

Immediately Carlisle went upstairs to resign his post. I was calling the movers to get the house packed up. Esme started going through everything deciding where we would move to next. Rosalie and Emmett went off to hunt. Alice took Jasper upstairs to get him calmed down. It was moving day and we all had our jobs to do.

I heard Esme thinking we should just go back to Denali. It had been awhile since we lived there. I personally thought it was a good idea. I couldn't stand the thought of going through high school again so soon. As always by the time the movers arrived everything was packed that needed to packed. We normally leave the houses furnished and just take the things that are personal.

Carlisle agreed that we had been gone long enough from Denali that it would be a great place to go. So we directed the movers to our new destination and set out for our new home.

I made sure to stop by the school before leaving town. I wanted to check one more time on Jaymie before leaving Chicago. I knew she had been through a lot and I felt in a way that she was my responsibility. I walked in the halls feeling sort of nostalgic and looked into her classroom. Her thoughts were content and happy. I was completely relieved by that. She seen me looking in the classroom and gave me a shy wave. I smiled and waved back. Her thoughts thanked me again as she smiled and turned her attention back to the front of the class. In that moment I knew she would be ok and turned around and left.

So here we are going to Denali. I'm excited but at the same time I'm worried. I'll have to face Tanya again. I wonder if she has gotten over her obsession with me? I'll write again when we get there.
